
Fórum Mundial de Dados das Nações Unidas

15ª Reunião do Grupo IAEG-SDGs (Inter-agency and Expert Group on SDG Indicators)

I World Symposium on Neglected Diseases/V Simpósio Brasileiro de Doenças Negligenciadas Inscrições em:

ODS 18 - Igualdade Étnico-racial na Agenda 2030: a experiência brasileira para a construção de um novo ODS (Fórum de Desenvolvimento da CEPAL)

Second Global Workshop for 2024 VNR Countries

Workshop on supporting evidence-based Voluntary National Reviews (VNRs) and SDG reporting: data and statistics innovations

UNECE Expert Forum for Producers and Users of Climate Change-Related Statistics

Big Data for Statistics in Latin America and the Caribbean: Use of Earth Observations for Official Statistics.

High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development 2023 (ECOSOC)

Seventh Expert Meeting on Statistics for SDGs

Joint UNECE/IEA/Eurostat Webinar on Administrative Microdata for Climate Change, Energy and Environment Statistics

United Nations Expert Group Meeting on Harnessing Data by Citizens for Public Policy and SDG Monitoring

13th Meeting of the Inter-Agency and Expert Group on Sustainable Development Goal Indicators

UNECE Expert Forum for Producers and Users of Climate Change-Related Statistics

UN Big Data Hackathon - Youth and the Sustainable Development Goals

1º webinar “Introduction to the UN Big Data Hackathon” Link para a inscrição no webinar:

Fifth Meeting of the Statistical Coordination Group for the 2030 Agenda in Latin America and the Caribbean (CEPAL)

Open virtual meeting of the Inter-agency and Expert Group on the Sustainable Development Goal Indicators (IAEG-SDGs)

Seminário: ESG e suas contribuições à Agenda da Indústria Brasileira (CNI - Confederação Nacional da Indústria)

Workshop and Expert Meeting on Statistics for SDGs (UNECE)

Seminário Virtual de Arranque do Projeto de Indicadores dos ODS (CPLP - Comunidade dos Países de Língua Portuguesa)

12th IAEG-SDGs Meeting

Reunião Aberta do Grupo de Peritos Interagencias para os Indicadores dos Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável (IAEG-SDGs)

UNECE Expert Forum for Producers and Users of Climate Change-Related Statistics

Festival Conhecendo os ODS Digital

Open Virtual Meeting of the IAEG-SDGs

Seminário sobre TOSSD para América Latina

III Encontro Ibero-Americano da Agenda 2030 no Poder Judiciário

5th Workshop on Statistics for Sustainable Development Goals (UNECE)

Fifth Expert Meeting on Statistics on Sustainable Development Goals (UNECE)

Open Virtual IAEG-SDG Meeting - Leaving no One Behind: data disaggregation for SDGs

SDGs and COVID: how data and statistics can help build back better (UNECE - Regional Forum on Sustainable Development)

Observatório da Conjuntura - A Implementação dos Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável (ODS) no Brasil: desafios e perspectivas (SESC)

6th Meeting of the IAEG-SDGs Working Group on the Measurement of Development Support

XIX Encuentro de la Reunión Especializada de Estadísticas del Mercosur: Webinar “Estándares de calidad para la mejora de los indicadores ODS”

Tercera Reunión del Grupo de Coordinación Estadística para la Agenda 2030 en América Latina y el Caribe

11th IAEG-SDGs Meeting

Virtual 2020 United Nations World Data Forum (Fórum Mundial de Dados)

5th Meeting of the IAEG-SDGs Working Group on the Measurement of Development Support

11th Meeting of the International TOSSD Task Force

UNECE Expert Forum for Producers and Users of Climate Change-Related Statistics

Spotlight on SDG monitoring activities and initiatives to fulfill the 2030 Agenda (reunião aberta do Grupo de Peritos Interagências para os Indicadores dos Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável, Divisão de Estatísticas da ONU)

6th International Conference on Big Data for Official Statistics (Big Data UN Global Working Group)

II Encontro Ibero-Americano da Agenda 2030 no Poder Judiciário (Conselho Nacional de Justiça - CNJ)

VNR Lab: Beyond the Voluntary National Reviews - mobilizing support and building national partnerships (Evento Paralelo do Fórum Político de Alto Nível da ONU)

SDG Acceleration Actions to Build Back Better (Evento Especial do Fórum Político de Alto Nível 2020 da ONU)

3rd Local and Regional Government Forum on the 2030 Agenda: 2020 HLPF Special Event (Evento Especial do Fórum Político de Alto Nível da ONU)

Partnerships Against Covid-19: building back better together to advance the 2030 Agenda (Evento Paralelo do Fórum Político de Alto Nível 2020 da ONU)